RB is a multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter. Born in 1977 in Turin into a family of emigrated civil servants who returned to Sicily in 1980. You grew up in Belpasso in the shadow of the volcano, but moved several times to other cities in Italy following the transfers for the work of the parents. The call of the places and flavors of his land, Sicily and Etna, are a very strong bond whose essentiality and vitality are fundamental for him. He starts playing the guitar at the age of 13, begins to experiment with his first compositions, plays in many bands and actively experiences the ’90s scene in Catania, the so-called “Seattle of Italy.” His musical training ranges from the Beatles, Rock Prog ’70, Hard Rock, Grunge, he loves authors like Buckley, but it is thanks to De Gregori, Max Gazzè, Carmen Consoli and Afterhours that he approaches the Italian song. Over time it will overcome gender barriers, encroaching on bossa nova and quality pop. With the band OneEyeDog he pockets a constant series of hits and 2nd places in music festivals, Suburban Live Fest of Catania, Festival of the city of Cava dei Tirreni, regional finalists of Arezzo Wave and finalists with mention of Bande Rumorose, all in 2001. With the Punto G they are 1st classified in the “Pagella Rock” competition organized by the Municipality of Turin in 1999, they will open the Audio2 concert in 2000 in Piazza Università in Catania. Many musical collaborations and unpublished projects with Etna bands. The recording interests received were strong and many, but the Indie sector of the time was not rich and proposed always “asking” for a co-production. Common factor of his bands is being totally penniless therefore RB at the beginning of 2000 is equipped and trained also as an Audio Technician and Arranger. He begins to produce the recordings of the bands in which he plays and his projects himself. In 2001 he produced the OneEyeDog album “Wunder” and in 2004 Bedford’s “Nick’s Room”. Many other albums and demos are recorded and released as self-productions. He lives the family crisis of the separation of his parents which lasted 7 years (from his 20 to 27), from which he was never supported in the choice to dedicate his life to music, this may seem strange but it still happens today despite his no more. young age. He has tried several times to interrupt the musical activity either by compulsion or choice but it is the instinct that leads him to always find refuge, vent in music, even in the days of Lockdown, each new composition becomes therapy and the soul restores new balances .

Forced due to issues related to the separation process, he is forced by the context to have to graduate in Economics, an address that he does not love deeply but whose knowledge in management and marketing will come in handy forward. He moved to Milan in 2005, works as a business consultant by day, in the evening and on weekends he returns to being a musician and songwriter. The fruits of these years in Milan he published them with the name Bob Brown, nickname he had for years among his friends, his second face. The first solo album “Inverosimile” it comes out in 2010 and “Nonostante tutto” in 2011. He also discovers Reading set to music with Lorenzo Balducci and makes his first solo appearances in the Arci circles of Milan and Hinterland. The measure is now full, the paycheck does not repay the dissatisfaction and constant depression linked to a life you never wanted. At the end of 2011 he decided to return to Sicily, leaving the certain for the uncertain.

In 2012 he actively resumes his musical activity, founds new bands, is constantly requested by other songwriters and musicians, publishes the EP in 2013 “In Silenzio”. In the following years he dedicated himself to an intense concert activity, and collaborations with many Etna authors. Among the various collaborations, his presence in the Deudada album should be mentioned “Euforia” of 2014 both as an author and as a musician. Shoulder to Anita De Luca she won the “Free Music” competition in 2015, together they founded a band, Antura who in 2016 won the “Band Music Festival”. She lives on music now and finally frees herself from the burden of her degree in Economics, he is now a musician recognized by both the old and the new generations of his territory. Hundreds of lives a year, without limits of genre and species. In 2019 he is co-author of the art and literary show “Versante Sud – 1669”.

Since his return to Sicily he has consolidated his services in the musical field: author, multi-instrumentalist-singer, artistic director, arranger, audio & service technician and didactics. Lots of live shows with different cover bands and acoustic ensembles, above all The Liverpool – Beatles Live Experience is one of his projects that he carries on together with Edoardo Ragunì, Giorgio Indaco and Francesco Arcidiacono. Produces two songs for Valentina Indaco in February 2020.

He takes the opportunity of the forced lockdown to focus on his productions and on March 23, 2020 he publishes “Dentro Casa”, his new album and on April 29 the EP “1669 – Milleseicentosessantanove”, both with his real name. Bob Brown, now retired, his beloved nick no longer serves to hide a second life. From April 2020 he starts writing and recording the new songs of the latest album “Bene Necessario” released on February 12, 2021. On December 26, 2020 he publishes the single and the video of “Fosse Facile” which announces the next release of the album and on March 11 he releases the video and the single of “Facciamo Schifo“.


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My story: names, things and cities